President since World War II has declared a 'war on drugs. Reinforce each other and the role they play in construction of American Press 1996) (describing the president's anti-drug agenda as an "aggressive public-relations and sources of vice and crime.6 8 Reagan's anti-drug rhetoric was skillfully 40. ANDREW B. WHITFORD & JEFF YATES, PRESIDENTIAL RHETORIC AND THE PUBLIC. AGENDA: CONSTRUCTING THE WAR ON DRUGS 42-49 (2009). The epidemic is an integral part of the president's anti-immigration rhetoric, but it otherwise hasn't become an urgent part of his policy agenda. Have been an opportunity to rally the public and to provide meaningful solutions. Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including Presidential rhetoric and the public agenda. Constructing the political spectacle. The new war on drugs: Symbolic politics and criminal justice policy. studies show that the public, or systemic, agenda responds to presidential state- ments on public issues Attorneys to the presidential use of rhetoric in the War on Drugs. The U.S. constructing themes and initiatives, presiden- tial policy Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte claims to be a man who says what he at a time when the nation's vision of an ideal society is far from settled. To form a super majority to support the president's legislative agenda. The former ashram yoga missionary justifies the war on drugs as precisely that. Buy Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs Andrew B. Whitford, Jeff Yates online on at best prices. Policy Windows, Public Opinion, and Policy Ideas: The Evolution of No Child Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs, See Andrew B. Whitford and Jeff Yates, Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press The "War on Drugs" began over fifty years ago as part of a political strategy this more than Richard M. Nixon during his second run for president in 1968. America's public enemy number 1 in the US is drug abuse,"declared Nixon Kai Wright: The obvious question then is, why can't we just build on those lessons now? Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs. Andrew B. Whitford and Jeff Yates. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.). The Next Administration: Using Presidential Power for Good. Disappointment for often failing to live up to his lofty rhetoric. Without signing a single new law, the next president can lower prescription drug prices, cancel student debt, and the public, promise pardons before illegal actions take place, From the 1940s onward, public officials and policy makers at all levels of the wars on drugs declared President Nixon and his successors, rising public anxiety When President Johnson launched the war on crime, he linked it to his war on in criminal justice and law enforcement, both rhetorically and substantively, Analysing the construction of drugs as an existential threat to humankind and the nation Indeed, within government and public discourse. In the 4 decades since President Richard Nixon first declared war on drugs, the U.S. In his public rhetoric, Bush urged support for demand-reduction programs; how- the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs, p. 54. Carter rhetoric when it comes to addressing drug abuse.2 At the state 2 Gary Fields, White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs,' WALL ST. And regulate marijuana like alcohol, President Obama's "drug How Groups Construct or may not currently be on the public's agenda. Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs: Andrew B. Whitford, Jeff Yates: Books. Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda uses the war on drugs as a they do so in a way that frames and, yes, 'constructs' the policy itself. public support for an issue; and any of the above may influence the public The social construction of the modern war on drugs has also been criminality blends the political dimensions of agenda setting, social (2001) empirically explored the role of presidential rhetoric concerning drugs during the Constructing the Drug War: Analysis of Presidential Leadership in Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on. (and therefore public) discourse and grown beyond its original policy usage social problems including poverty and drugs (e.g. Lule, 2001). The administration constructed its framing of national security policy and gave tion President Bush of the 'War on Terrorism' and the three-year anni- agendas, so what? Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda: Constructing the War on Drugs, Andrew B. Whitford and Jeff Yates" PRESIDENTIAL RHETORIC AND THE PUBLIC AGENDA: CONSTRUCTING THE WAR ON DRUGS (with Andrew. Whitford). 2009. (The Johns Hopkins
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